Michael Norsworthy’s teaching studio is focused on collaboration, exploration, creating opportunities and individual growth.  Great value is placed on entrepreneurialism, achieving career goals, as well as striving for personal growth. Professor Norsworthy's teaching focuses on problem-solving, technical fundamentals, attention to details, personal responsibility, and both individual and collaborative expression. Special focus on topics that pertain to all musicians such as performance anxiety, audition techniques, etc can be included in any type of instruction. In the context of a highly supportive environment, students learn from their peers as well as from Professor Norsworthy.

As one of the most active arts cities in the USA, Boston has a multi-faceted musical landscape that is overflowing with possibility.  Current and past students can be heard in local orchestras, chamber ensembles, theater pits, scoring stages for both film and video games, in Klezmer and world ensembles and in mixed media contemporary ensembles, among others.  Guest artists are regularly brought in to change things up and give students experiences with multiple teaching techniques and philosophies.  Some recent guests include Richard Stoltzman, Stephen Williamson, Tom Martin, Michael Lowenstern, Pascual Martinez-Forteza, Jessica Phillips-Rieske, Michael Wayne, William Hudgins, and others.

Professor Norsworthy gives a large amount of individual attention to each student.  Together, he and the student discern strengths and weaknesses and develop an individualized plan to address their needs and career goals.  He encourages thinking "outside of the box" and increasing your marketability to keep pace with the constantly changing world of music making in the 21st century. Technology is used to enhance both musical and business growth and materials are created during your tenure that will enable you to effectively engage with the “real world”.

Mr. Norsworthy can often be heard saying, "JUST DO IT!", because in today’s music world, personal motivation and action are necessities. Making a living as an artist is never easy, but the end result can be a very rewarding life that is filled with variety, possibility and community.